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Saturday, July 3, 2010

In My Mailbox + June Wrap Up

I get asked a lot how I get Toby to behave during these pictures. He tolerates it, to be honest. In this first one, he was asleep... and too lazy to fight. Then again, I think he might be getting a kidney/urinary infection, so he's been pretty sleepy lately. But on top of waiting until he isn't wound up, he also gets compensated with Beggin Strips which are basically his crack. Those pictures you've seen in the past where he looks insanely excited? I'm holding up the bag of treats above the camera. The ones where his eyes are not on me? He's staring at the treat bag on the bar area. We have a system... and I time it well. And those are the secrets behind the beagle pictures...

For Review:

I'm also combining my June wrap up with this post... keeps things less cluttered. I didn't get as much done my WIPs as I would have liked but I've set a deadline of 7/11 to have WIP2 draft done. We'll see if I hit it... But, my goal for reading is bumping up to 20/month- which means I need to pick it up since I only read 16 this month. That's down one from my usual 17 which I, personally, find distressing. Overall, though, June was another great month- I got to read some awesome titles. Many of the reviews are to come, however.

Books read:

  1. And Then Everything Unraveled by Jennifer Sturman
  2. And Then I Found Out The Truth by Jennifer Sturman
  3. Tell Me A Secret by Holly Cupala
  4. The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams
  5. Dark Flame by Alyson Noel
  6. Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
  7. A Good Boy Is Hard To Find by Suzanne Young
  8. A Note From An Old Acquaintance by Bill Walker
  9. Stranded by J.T. Dutton
  10. Flash by Michael Cadnum
  11. Kiss It by Erin Downing
  12. Crash Test Love by Ted Michael
  13. Kiss In The Dark by Lauren Henderson
  14. Indigo Blues by Danielle Joseph
  15. The Ghost & The Goth by Stacey Kade
  16. Firelight by Sophie Jordan
Anyhow, that was my week in books and my month in reviews. I'd love to see what you guys got!


  1. Awesome books! Love the Gallagher Girl books, hope you enjoy them. :)

  2. Great mailbox! I have Firelight on my wishlist and I have pre-ordered Linger. I have the Gallagher Girls books on my Kindle. I read the first one quite a while ago but haven't had a chance to catch up. Enjoy you new books. Happy reading!

  3. Ooh, you know how jealous I am that you got to read Siren, right? lol. Hope you enjoy this and all the others! :)

  4. I received Trickster's Girl as well, which I'm really excited about. Can't wait to read your review of Siren! :] Enjoy your books.

  5. Nice little tricks you have up your sleeve for Toby.

    Great Books for this week. Will be checking quite a few of these out on Good Reads

    Happy Reading

  6. Looks like you had an awesome week.

  7. AWWW! Look at the puppy!

    You got some great stuff. Yay! :)

  8. Great books this week! Jeez woman can you read anymore books. :) Haha you prolly can...

  9. I love your mailbox! And aww! for the puppy.
    Happy reading. (You'll be busy for a while!)
