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Saturday, July 31, 2010

In My Mailbox

I had a great week again! I've named the MC of what is going to be WIP3- it's a girl! Shocking, I know. I've also named the other major character in that one, whom I totally love. Plus, I finally read Clockwork Angel this week. So worth it, as my review said. But enough of all that... on to what showed up this week bookwise! I got some awesome titles!


  1. Love how you put the books over your dog. Cute, awesome books too.

  2. WOW! So many great books!
    Happy Reading!

  3. Great books! I loved Shadow Hills and have a bunch of those in my TBR :) Enjoy!

  4. Looks like you got some great loot! Guardian of the Gate was amazing. I hope you enjoy it! =)


  5. These all sound so amazing. Shadow Hills was good. Happy Reading!

  6. I loved Shadow Hills!! Hope you enjoy it too!

  7. So many fantastic books this week! I hope you enjoy what you've gotten.

  8. Enjoy Stolen, I've been meaning to pick it up at the library.

  9. Thanks so much for picking up Guardian of the Gate, hon! Hope you enjoy it!


  10. i loved stolen

    I want prophecy of the sisters - it may have to be in my next order once I get paid

  11. Lol It looks like Toby wants you to read Through Her Eyes first! Great books. Am about to check out a few on Goodreads

    Happy Reading

  12. Amazing books! I want to read all the ones you bought! I haven't heard of the ones for review. I guess we'll see whether you can persuade me to chuck a few on my TBR.

    What I received this week

  13. Looks like some good ones you have there!! I love Jennifer Crusie!!! Hope you enjoy reading them!!

    Feel free to check out my Mailbox

    Happy Reading!

  14. Cute dog (: I could never bring my dog near my books again. When he was little and I went to take a shower, he was alone in my room and ate my Breaking Dawn. *sniff* And then he shoved it under the blanket to hide the corpus delicti (;

  15. Great books! Hope you have fun reading! Look forward to the reviews :)

    I heard Stolen is a great book!

  16. You got a nice bunch of books this week! I thought Shadow Hills was good. I hope you enjoy all your new books. My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!
