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Saturday, September 11, 2010

In My Mailbox

Remember how last week I said I'd eventually start coming up with a more interesting intro to this than, "I had a great week?" Still working on it. So. I had a great week! I think I got an entire new shelf filled. Most of it is books I bought though. I really didn't mean to... some of it is preorders that I lumped together to hit the free shipping thing, that all just happened to go out and get here this week. Others... well, that's just evidence of my lack of self control. So now that I've bored you with an intro that was intended to be more than I had a great week... we can move on to my great week!

For Review:
Freefall by Mindi Scott
The Locket by Stacey Jay
The Twin's Daughter by Lauren Baratz-Logsted
John Belushi is Dead by Kathy Charles
Freefall by Anna Levine
(Huge thanks to Mindi Scott, Stacey Jay + Razorbill, Lauren Baratz-Logsted, Kathy Charles, and Anna Levine!)

And because I bought even more (and traded one) and they wouldn't all fit on the dog for one picture:
Confessions of a First Daughter by Cassidy Calloway
Secrets of a First Daughter by Cassidy Calloway
Firelight by Sophie Jordan
Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles
The Pretty One by Cheryl Klam
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia
You Are Not Here by Samantha Schultz
Passing Strange (Generation Dead #3) by Daniel Waters

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.


  1. I MUST HAVE A COPY OF THE LOCKET!! At least before February, because that's just torture. I at least want that cover gracing my bookcase...

    Stacey stated on her blog that she only has a handful of ARCs. Ooh, it's being published by Razorbill? I'll be asking for an ARC of this next month then, since I'm already receiving a couple of ARCs and don't want to come across as greedy, which is SO what I am. :P

    Okay, anyway, everything else looks great, too! As always, I'm super jealous! I got 3 books this week. :| Which is still good, but compared to your weekly hauls, they're nothing. I need to start buying books again, because I've been "hitch-hiking" it for a month or so, now.

  2. Surprised you didn't take a picture of the army of Firelight and Paranormalcy's you got! LOL

    I wanted to see them lined up like soldiers, Tody their general.

  3. Awesome books! The Twin's Daughter, Freefall and The Locket look awesome, same with Dark Song & Clockwork Angel. Hope you enjoy them all :)

  4. Yay! Return To Paradise. I got that one this week too. :) Happy reading Kari! :)

  5. You got the Locket? Dang, you always get the best books EVERY week. LUCKY!!! lol. :)

  6. You got a great bunch of books this week. I will be eager to hear what you think of them. Happy reading!

  7. So many awesome books! I really can't wait for The Locket too!

    Happy reading!!

  8. Ooh, AWESOME books this week! Enjoy them all! =D

  9. Wow good stuff this week! The locket looks like it'll be soo good.

  10. You got two different FREEFALLs in the same week?! Seriously, what are the odds? :-D

  11. Oh Wow! What a great stash of books this week. There's a few books I haven't heard of yet like The Locket which looks really good.

    Happy Reading

  12. Wow, you have an amazing mailbox this week. I see alot of cool titles there and some I haven't seen before. Can't wait to come back and see your reviews of them. Happy reading!!

    Come by to see my mailbox

  13. That last photo is hilarious! Forget the books, I like your IMM posts because of the dog.

  14. You got tons of awesome stuff! I can't wait to hear how Dark Song is. Happy reading!
