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Saturday, September 25, 2010

In My Mailbox

I once again have nothing enlightening to say to kick off this post... so let's just get to the books that came this week. Mostly, I feel like I have to do an intro of some sort. Don't ask why, or say I don't. I'll still think it. Also. I admit it. I am entirely too lazy to link the books. But is it really that hard to look it up yourself with a title and author if you're interested? Yeah... didn't think so. Your understanding is appreciated.

For Review:
Girl Stolen by April Henry
The Second Base Club by Greg Trine
Pull by B.A. Binns
From the Dead by John Herrick

Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel
Voices of Dragons by Carrie Vaughn
Accomplice by Eireann Corrigan
Blindsided by Priscilla Cummings
Grace by Elizabeth Scott

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.


  1. HeHe, I always feel as though I *have* to write up an intro, too ... so it's not just you :)

    I also bought Infinite Days this week and started to read it, but couldn't seem to get past how selfish the MC came off, lol ... hope you like it better!

  2. Great mailbox! I have read both Infinite Days and Voices of Dragons. I liked Voices of Dragons better because it was less introspective. I hope you enjoy them both. My mailbox is here. Happy reading!

  3. I feel like I have to write an intro too. The Second Base Club and girl stolen are definitely going on the list of books I want to read.

    Your dog is so very cute!

  4. I've read Infinite Days. Fairly mediocre, but here's boing you like it better than I did! I love how your incorporate your pup into IMM. haha, he seems to happily oblige!

  5. *hoping, not boing. Sorry, my phone auto-corrects sometimes and more often than not, it isn't the word I'm tying to type.

  6. Sweet books! I've heard Girl, Stolen is great, same with Grace. Hope you enjoy them all :)

  7. Girl Stolen is on my to-read list. I'm still unsure about Accomplice. :)

  8. Fantastic books! I want to read a lot of these especially Girl, Stolen (heard it's really good) and Grace. I hope you enjoy them all!

    Toby looks so happy in the pictures. Makes me miss my own beagle.

  9. Your pup is so good to sit there with your new books! You got some good ones this week!

  10. Fab books this week. I really enjoyed Accomplice. Hope you enjoy all of your books. My mailbox is here.

  11. I hope you enjoy all of your books. I liked Blindsided! Here’s my IMMB

  12. What a great bunch of books you have. Your dog is so cute :) Hope you have a fun week of reading.

    Come See What's In My Mailbox

  13. I got Infinite Days from the library - I can't wait to read it.

  14. Some great books...have fun reading them...heres my IMM:

  15. I thought Infinite Days was a good debut! Hope you enjoy that and all your other books! :)

    My IMM is up on my blog if you'd like to check it out! :)

  16. Awesome IMM! These books all look great!

    Check out my IMM here!

  17. I"m reading Infinite Days now and I'm enjoying it though I can't say any more than that since I'm still processing the book as a whole.
    Great books this week. Happy reading!

  18. I enjoyed Infinite Days a lot, hope you do too. You received a lot of books I haven't heard of before, so I look forward to the upcoming reviews!

    Check out our Mailbox at BookSake.
