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Saturday, October 16, 2010

In My Mailbox

Though I haven't read it yet, the fact that The Scorch Trials came out this week makes it an amazing week. It is soon in my stack and I am SO excited for it. You should be too, for the record. But enough of that, on to what showed up for Toby and me this week.

And for those of you who will ask... I took this picture at 1 am, and woke him up to put him in his chair. He went back to sleep... He didn't even stay awake while I piled the books on him. That's lazy old fuzzbutt at his best.

For Review:
Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler
(Thank you to Disney/Hyperion and Little, Brown)

Netgalley Review Titles:
Afterlife by Claudia Gray
Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
The Lying Game by Sara Shepard
The Cellar by A. J. Whitten
Butterflies in May by Karen Hart

You by Charles Benoit

The Hollow by Jessica Verday
Hearts at Stake by Alyxandra Harvey

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner
The Game by Monica Hughes
Gifted: Now You See Me by Marilyn Kaye

And in other not really related but I am putting it in here anyhow news, the best friend came to visit last weekend and we carved pumpkins. We also learned that Toby doesn't actually care for the seeds, though he will chew them up and spit out the pieces. He also will try to each the carved pumpkins.... But here's our pumpkins for you Halloween lovers. Mine is the headless horseman, hers a dragon. I also tried getting Toby's picture, but he was not cooperative outside. He was minimally helpful inside but here he is with my pumpkin. He bolted right as the picture flashed and hid. Punk.
So. Happy Halloween. Yay books.

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.


  1. Great mailbox! Mine will be up tomorrow if you want to stop by then!

    Also be sure to check out my 100 followers contest!

  2. Awesome mailbox and DOUBLE AWESOME Pumpkins!!

  3. Yay! I've been wanting the read the Hollow. I saw Jessica Verday at the Decatur Book Festival and I've been wanting to read her books ever since. I might have to bump them up the 'to read' list a little.

  4. those pumpkins look really awesome.

    we dont do halloween in Australia and I've never carved a pumpkin but it looks like heaps of fun (and probably a bit messy too)

  5. Great books and I LOVE the dog aswell! Have one named Goldie, but unfortunately she isn't that interested in books:DHaha awesome!

  6. Awesome pumpkins! I've heard so many amazing things about You by Charles Benoit, I hope you enjoy it! Happy Reading :)

  7. Hello DING! Sending you my pumpkin coz I want that awesome dragon on mine too!

    WOW! makes my pumpkin look majorly lame O!

    By the way your pups is too cute! He actually stays long enough for you to take a pic?? that's incredible!

    Another great week for you and again LOVE THE DRAGON PUMPKIN!

  8. Great books, I hope you enjoy! That puppy is a really good sport!
    Happy reading!
    If you want to know what I got in my mailbox this week, check out my blog here-

  9. Aghaghadsfjdasl I am SO excited for Demonglass! So jealous of you! And Fixing Delilah foaijea <3 You had a great book week!! Hope you have a great week :)

    Here's what I got in my mailbox this week :)

  10. You have some great books there this week!

    Come and visit me for a new meme, On My Radar :)

    Rach xxx
