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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Character Interview + Contest: Luke from A Touch Mortal

I've recently had the, er, privilege, to sit down with Luke, a character from Leah Clifford's A Touch Mortal, at the club where his band often plays for an interview. After this glimpse into Luke, enter for your chance to win a copy of A Touch Mortal!

Kari: Since you aren't a central character, why don't you tell my readers a little about yourself first? *looks around club* And why you love this place so much.

Luke: Tell you about myself? And kill the mystery so early? Let's not rush things, love. *leans back, stretching nonchalantly as he takes in Aerie with a grin* I prefer to play at Aerie because the crowds are always so...eager to please, and it makes me eager to please them. I play faster here, sing better. I give them what they want.

Kari: *smirks* Mystery, huh? How much mystery can there be in a lead singer who wears leather pants? And yes, I imagine you do give them what they... want. But for those of us who don't know the history, how did your band get started?

Luke: *chuckles* I like leather. There's something phenomenal about being covered in something else's skin, wouldn't you say? The band started out of boredom. I needed a hobby. *he winks* Idle hands and all that.

Kari: *rolls eyes* You're a real charmer, let me tell you. So let's get to the good stuff. Tell me about the Siders. Surely you know some good secrets on them?

Luke: The Suiciders are a mystery to us all. Personally, I'm doing my best to find out more information but so far we only know that their Touch works like a drug. The mortals can't control themselves when they're on it, for better or worse. It's a wonderful little talent. I'd love to put it to my own uses. *stares off* I mean being able to control chaos? As long as the Bound stay out of it, things could get quite interesting.

Kari: *shrugs* But Gabe's Bound, and rumor has it, he's been protective a rogue Sider. One with special abilities. Perhaps some abilities even you can't touch? *raises a challenging eyebrow*

Luke: I'll touch anything I like. *stands and slams his chair back against the table* Gabriel has a nasty habit of hording all the fun toys. One of these days it's going to bite him in the ass. *he grabs for an electric guitar leaned against a mirrored pillar* Well, love, it's been a time, but ours has come to an end. *Luke smiles* Soundcheck.

Ah, Luke, ever the charmer. But that, my awesome followers, is a small intro to one of the great characters in A Touch Mortal.

For your chance to get to know Luke and the rest of the cast of characters, fill out THIS form.

One winner will receive a preorder of A Touch Mortal.

This contest is international wherever the Book Depository delivers and ends Sunday, January 23.

No entries will be accepted through the comments, but you most definitely should still leave a comment for Leah and Luke.


  1. I love your interview! I'm sooo excited to read A Touch Mortal! I can't even wait! :)

    Thanks Kari for the contest!

  2. I love character interviews! Good to learn more about Luke. I can tell I like his character already.

  3. Fun peek into the book! thanks for a chance to win it!

  4. thank you! I need to check out A Touch Mortal and add it to my wish list lol.

  5. That was a great character interview! That definitely got me interested in this book!

  6. I think I really like Luke, really need to read this book.

  7. Ahh this was a awesome Character interview!!

  8. Awesome character interview! I can't wait to read this book!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. I'm liking Luke already and can't wait to read A Touch Mortal!

  10. Awesome interview! :D
    I'm psyched for this book to come out, and I'm definitely anxious to read it, so thanks for sharing this interview and for the chance to win a preorder of the book :)

    Happy New Year! :D

  11. Can`t wait to read this book, awesome interview!

  12. I love LOVE character interviews.
    This one was excellent. I am cutting & pasting it into Notepad so I can print it out & add it to the back of the book as an "Extra".
    Much thanks to Leah for sharing Luke.
    Here's to a wonderful 2011!

  13. Luke sounds more than a little intriguing and your interview was awesome. Definitely has me interested in reading this book thanks for the giveaway!

  14. I think I'm going to really like Luke =)

    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  15. That was awesome! I'm looking forward to reading this:)

  16. I'm going to like Luke for sure! ;)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. After reading Leah's query, I was stoked for this book.

    After reading Luke's interview, I'm whatever that level beyond really freaking excited is ;)

  18. I do so like the character reviews.

    I follow on GFC.

    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  19. I heard this is really good. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  20. Now that was a fun interview. I'm intrigued by this character and book. Can't wait to enter the contest!!!

  21. Nice to meet Luke :)

    Cherry Mischievous

  22. lol I like Luke already!
    Nice interview, I heard about A Touch Mortal as a suggestion through Book Club on Facebook and reading about it got me hooked so I'm very interested on devouring this book :)

    Vanessa Martinez

  23. Thanks so much for a brilliant giveaway!!

  24. I loved the interview thank you so much!

  25. I always love reading the character interviews.

  26. LOL awesome interview! I really need to read this book - it's part of my 2011 DAC challenge anyway. Thanks or the giveaway!:D

  27. Love character interviews they always make me smile. Thanks for the chance to win this book. I'm excited about it.

  28. I love the idea of interviewing a character from a novel! That was great! I don't know the character but if you do, I'm sure you got his personality, mannerisms and attitude just right! That was so fun to read. I hope you'll do more, maybe you have. I'm new to your site.

