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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading.

This week, I'm doing two teasers since, well, I'm working on two fantastic books.

First up is Wildefire by Karsten Knight: 
"Everything went still. She lay there, unmoving, watching the troubled night clouds billowing overhead, like the writing gray matter of a brain come to life. Her vision grew bleary as a pool of rain and tears filled her eyes in a thickening sheen." -- pg 36 in the ARC, subject to change.

And second is Supernaturally by Kiersten White:
"I did not scream like a little girl."
Flashing his dimples, he took a huge lungful of air and burst into an earsplitting—and decidedly little girlish—scream. “Like that. Only with crazier eyes and more flailing.”

So there you have it! My teasers for you lovely readers. And if the Supernaturally quote didn't tell you already, this one has just has much laugh out loud hilarious humor even when things are rough as Paranormalcy did.


  1. Eeek! So excited you finally have Wildefire in your hands. Enjoy!

  2. I loved wildfire's cover!! I have never heard of this book great teaser!!! Happy Teaser Tuesday!

  3. Great Teasers!! Thanx for sharing. Here's mine:

    Great blog btw - say hello to your latest follower ;)

  4. I like the second one a lot - if you're in a situation that requires screaming and flailing, humor is important.

    My teaser, from the book that inspired an Oscar-nominated movie, is here.

  5. I want to read wildfire so much! great teasers.

    Here is mine

  6. Great teasers! I'm really looking forward to reading both of these books.

  7. Awesome Supernaturally teaser! So jealous that you got an ARC! ;) Oh well, it does come out earlier now!

    Here's my teaser

    Happy Reading!

    Old Follower
    Jessica@a GREAT read

  8. Two awesome teasers from two amazing books! Can't wait for your review of both!
