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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Character Interview: Lance

Here today is Lance, one of the characters in Alex Sanchez's novel Boyfriends with Girlfriends, to answer a few questions!

Describe yourself in 4 words.

Tall. Dreamer. Too trusting?

What was the first date you ever went on like?

Well, I’m not sure it would qualify as a date. After school I went home with this guy, Darrell, who I sort of knew from school and, um, we ended up sort of fooling around. It definitely wasn’t my idea of a date. In contrast, part of what I like about Sergio is we’ve dated for real.

What was your first impression of Sergio, both online and in person?

Sexy. Funny. Confident. Sure of himself. Sexy.

If you could set up the perfect kiss, how would it happen?

Actually, like in the book, except without our noses getting in the way. Why is it nobody ever has that problem in movies?

Without giving spoilers, what scene in the book had the most impact for you?

The first time I saw Sergio, the first time we made out, the first time we… I think it’s better to read about it in the book.

If you could tell readers one thing before they start your story, what would it be?

Things don’t always turn out like you think, but sometimes they turn out better.

Thank you, Lance, for stopping by today, and congrats, Alex, on another release!

Now make sure you guys all check out Boyfriends with Girlfriends, out on Tuesday!


  1. I think I may have seen the rare movie where noses do bump during kisses! But Lance's right, usually the kisses are perfect xD

    Great questions, Kari! :)

  2. Cute interview! Haha, I'm with Lance and Sandy on that the movie kisses are usually perfect. Since I haven't had my first kiss yet, I'll keep my fingers crossed. And sounds like exciting firsts! :3
