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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Author Interview: Jamie Lynn Braziel

Here today is Jamie Lynn Braziel, author of Declaring Spinsterhood!

Describe your main character, Emma Bailey, in four words.

Spunky, adventurous, outgoing, and empathetic

How much of yourself is in Emma?

About the only things Emma and I have in common are our love for old movies and books. She's much more empathetic than I am and is much better at flirting. I tend to clam up around guys I really like.

What's the most frustrating thing you've been told or craziest advice you've received about being single?

The most frustrating thing for me about being single is the constant questioning about why I don't have a boyfriend, when I'm going to get one, etc. A lot of people seem to think a woman can't be happy if she doesn't always have a man in her life. I had more important things to focus on besides dating such as graduate school. Homework and studying didn't leave much free time for anything else.

If you were a demigod, what god/goddess would be your parent?

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, strength, strategy, and female arts/crafts. We share a lot of similar traits. I am a very strong person, and I plan/research everything. I also love to knit, crochet, etc.

What kind of cookie would you describe yourself as?

A deliciously sweet sugar cookie with just a splash of amaretto to liven things up and frosting to make it beautiful, of course.

Thank you, Jamie, for taking the time out to answer my questions!

Make sure you guys check out Declaring Spinsterhood, especially those of you who are perfectly happy being unmarried!

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