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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Best of 2011: Debuts

While you guys saw my overall top picks of 2011 not long ago during Best I've Read, I'm not done with my favorites of the year. For the rest of the week, I'll be featuring a different category a day, and telling you my best picks for each. So today, we've got The Debuts.

5. Eve by Anna Carey: I love the world building in this one, the way it's written, and the characters. This is a book that really made me think, and had an ending that left me aching and breathless.

4. Saving June by Hannah Harrington: Completely emotional, with stunning characterization, and plenty of fun mixed into it. This is a book that definitely stayed with me for days after I finished it.

3. Divergent by Veronica Roth: This is one of those books where at any one moment, there isn't necessarily a lot happening and yet, when it's all pieced together, it's stunning in its complexity and scope. With amazing world building, and an awesome protagonist, this one left me drooling for more.

2. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin: This wasn't exactly what I expected, but it was amazing all the same. This one had me obsessed for days. Not to mention it has one of the hottest guys ever in it...

1. Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard: Kirsten is the kind of author I only wish I could ever write like. She has a completely smooth ability to make her settings vivid and almost their own character, without bogging you down with descriptive details. Also the characters of this one are so multifaceted and so well done. I adore this book to no end.

So what are your favorite 2011 debuts?


  1. I just got Eve, so looking forward to reading it! I have my top picks on my blog too.
