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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Character Guest Post: Samara from Living Violet

Instead of Living Violet author Jaime Reed stopping in today, I've asked the main character, Samara, to share some of her favorite books! So check it out, and see if you agree.

Okay, I’m a bit of a bookworm. I work at a bookstore, so who can really blame me. I mean, what else am I gonna do during my break… or while I’m on duty? There are so many books that I love one week and then hate a year later, it’s not even funny, but there are three constants so far. Most of these titles are pretty familiar and if you don’t know what these are, then my god, read a book!

THE HUNGER GAMES by Susanne Collins

In short: It’s gladiators with kids. A survival guide for the Dystopian warrior in all of us. A girl volunteers to a fight to the death with eleven other children to earn food for her home region. Cameras roll as each kid is slaughtered in totally messed up events designed solely for entertainment. It has a deeper message on how reality TV is the devil and it has a strong female character that doesn’t mope and whine. She does what she has to do to survive. I can relate. Really.


I know, I know, this is on everyone’s list, but it’s there for a reason. A young girl is pressured by her family to marry, but she refuses to follow the trends of her society, no matter how broke she is. First impressions are the worst ways to characterize someone, but we all do it. This book teaches you not to let family and friends force you into something you don’t want, that looks aren’t everything, and that that guy who gets on your nerves might not be all that bad.

MATILDA by Roald Dahl

I love this book. It’s one of the first books I’ve read. A little girl uses her love of books to escape her dysfunctional home life and soon learns she has telekinetic powers. She uses her awesome gifts to bring order back to her school, which quite frankly, resembles a prison camp. What can I say? Welcome to public school. But I can totally relate to Matilda. She’s super smart, different, and she has to fight for what is right, just like I do. I’ve also had really mean and ugly teachers that looked like dudes, including the full mustache. This book has gotten me through a few tough times in elementary school, and I secretly wished I had a super power. Hell, I still do.

So there you have it. Now that I think of it, I kinda want to read them again.

Thank you, Samara, for stopping in and congrats, Jaime on the release!

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