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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New Cover Reveal: Taken by Erin Bowman

Okay, I normally don't scramble to post about a new cover right away. I know it can get kind of annoying when your reader feed is filled with the same post over and over. But, this time, I made an exception because, frankly, not only is this cover just totally gorgeous, it's for an author I think is seriously awesome and would love to meet in person one day, and for the book that is my number one most wanted right now.

So before I do some more gushing, I give you the cover for Erin Bowman's upcoming debut Taken:

Umm. Yeah. Is that not just a totally stunning, eye catching cover? I am so utterly enamored with this cover it's possibly bordering on ridiculous. This is totally a cover to make out with. Admit it. You know you want to.

I love the color scheme of this one, first and foremost. The dusky feeling, the hint of something bad to come, yet also the light that maybe is a bit hopeful? But more than that, I love the tree. Creeptastic! And the mirror effect of the tree on the ground, like it's trying to swallow the people up. Um. What? Not to mention, I love that the boy is looking back - especially mirrored down it's a great effect.

And really, I just love, love, love this cover.

I have been drooling for this book since last year. It is easily the book I want more than any others right now. And frankly, you should want it just as much as me!

And because Erin has, honestly, gone all out for her cover reveal, head over to Pub(lishing) Crawl to see not only her reaction to her cover (I mean, come on, that's always one of the first questions we ask authors) and the full jacket flap/summary, but also for an interview with the cover designer!

Also, make sure you stalk... I mean follow... Erin on twitter and let her know what you think of her cover. But I totally call dibs on slipping it tongue... Ahem. She is fabulous to follow, not to mention she runs #namethatbook on the first Thursday of every month which is just a kickass game.

You can add Taken to your Goodreads shelf here as well. You know you want to.

Congrats, Erin, and another awesome job, Harper! I totally cannot wait to get my hands on this book!


  1. Ohhh, so gorgeous! Thanks for the heads up! It sounds awesome. I just added it to my TRB mountain. Can't wait to read it.

  2. O_________O......

    *keeps ogling*


  3. Whoa! That turly is one amazing cover! The color scheme is definitely the strongest aspect, but really everything about it is stunning. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I just died. It's by far one of the prettiest covers I've seen in a long time. O_O

    ~Riv Re
    Riv Reads

  5. Kari! I would love to meet you in person one of these days, too! Perhaps a conference or something!

    Thank you again for loving this cover, anxiously awaiting the book, and being generally awesome. You rock!!! <3

  6. Really nice, congrats to her and the artist. Anybody read anything else of hers?

  7. It is an AMAZING cover! Creepy, yes, but AWESOME. It stands out from the other trend of covers, that's for sure.
