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Monday, July 16, 2012

Epic Announcement (AKA, How I Got My Agent!)

I am a million kinds of ridiculously excited to announce that...


I am ELATED to say I am now represented by the fabulous Pam van Hylckama Vlieg with Larsen Pomada!!!!!!

I only started querying in April of this year, but I am so excited to be ready for the next step! And, yes, the manuscript loving nicknamed SlackerBoy is the one Pam signed me with.

So for those of you interested in how this all came about, and where I was when I got the call and all that... here's the story:

Pam asked me Thursday evening if I had time for a phone call. My first thought was "My phone is almost dead!" and then, for reasons I can't explain, my follow up thought, in the midst of freaking out, was "I don't even have a bra on!" because, apparently, that was somehow important to me? I don't know. So I put my phone on the charger, and Pam said it'd be about an hour and a half.

Commence more freaking out, frantic texts to a good writing friend (who probably screen captured those for later amusement, or potential blackmail?), a gchat convo with another good writing friend, and more freaking out. I did some cleaning. Took the dog out so he would behave while I was on the phone. Took some deep breaths to calm down....

And I sat down to wait. I was on pins and needles, trying not to stress, knowing what this phone call means but still part of me was thinking "Maybe she's calling to talk about puppies" (and let the record reflect, when I texted that to my writing friend, I could hear the sarcasm in her response of "Yeah. That's it" even through a text...). And as I was waiting... Toby peed on the carpet, right in front of me. Mind you, he went out less than an hour before this.

So then came the frantic scrubbing of pee out of the carpet, hoping Pam waits a bit longer to call... and me trying not to be too angry at Toby, who then just walked up and licked my arm and gave me his big sad eyes... yes. Instant forgiveness.

Cue more mental freaking.

Then the phone rang.

And Pam and I chatted. And I probably sounded like a dork. But I kept basically all ridiculous comments inside, and refrained from any random squeals...

We hung up. I freaked out. Told my two writing friends. Gave Toby a celebratory Beggin Strip and a huge kiss on the head.

Then I took a few days to let other agents know, and tied up those loose ends, before working everything out and officially accepting her offer.

And now I am ridiculously excited, and grinning out of nowhere, and just... so relieved, and happy, and, I admit it, darn proud of myself.

Because.. holy cow I HAVE AN AGENT. An agent who I have an immense amount of respect for (and who has a dog that is adorable enough to rival Toby's cuteness), and who I know is a great fit both for me, and my work.


  1. Did you put on a bra? That is the real question here. Also I read the white text on black and then was blinded when I went back to Twitter. Is this what comes from being your agent? Temporary blindness.... :P

  2. This is AWESOME Kari!!! Congrats! :D

  3. That is awesome news! Congrats a million times over and I'm glad you got an agent you feel will represent you well!

  4. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Whooot! Congrats, Kari! I'm so super excited for you! :-)

  6. Congratulations, Kari! You totally deserve it! Good luck :)

  7. Kari, I am so... ahem... FUCKING EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!

  8. AHHHHHHH! So freaking happy for you, Kari! (And you too, Pam!) Such fantastic news. I hope you've been celebrating all weekend :D

  9. So, so, so excited for you, Kari. Nothing but great things coming your way!

  10. Congratulations!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you, Kari!!! <3 <3

  11. LOL - it WOULD be kind of awkward to have that life-changing conversation while you're sans bra. :) Congratulations, Kari!!! I'm thrilled for you!

  12. Kari, you know how incredibly happy I am for you!! Congrats!!

  13. LOL. I had the same question about the bra. Congratulations! What a wonderful story!

  14. Super super congrats! This is amazing news!
    And yes, whether or not you put on a bra is DEFINITELY the important question. =D

    ~Riv Re
    Riv Reads

  15. I'm so excited for you. Congratulations! I've loved SlackerBoy ever since the first scene I read. I can't wait for this to get published. I'll have to drive out there and we can go see Princess and have her bring us celebratory drinks and those yummy doughnut desert things. Love ya! (((hugs)))

  16. Wow, that is SO AWESOME!! Congrats :D

  17. Congratulations!! Amazing news!!! :)

  18. That's absolutely fantastic, Kari! You go girl! I wish you the best of luck with all your future endeavors. :)

  19. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! Now the real fun begins. :)

  20. YOU HAVE A FREAKING AGENT!! That is so ridiculous awesome!! I am all kinds of excited and proud of you! CONGRATULATIONS Kari!!!

    1. yay, I can type.... that was suppose to say *ridiculously awesome*

  21. Whose excited for you?? This girl is *points to self* YAY!!!

    So glad I was able to celebrate with you last night!

  22. Congratulations, Kari! I'm so excited for you!! Woohoooo!!! :)

  23. Excellent news, Kari. Congratulations! Pam sounds amazing.

  24. Congratulations Kari!!! I could not be happier for you and obviously I absolutely think you have the best agent out there. Pam rocks! Congrats again! :o)

  25. CONGRATS!!!! Although, I'm not suprised. You are a great writer ;o)

  26. CONGRATS!!!! Although, I'm not suprised. You are a great writer ;o)

  27. Adding onto the pile of congratulatory comments but....EEE KARI CONGRATS!!! :D

  28. Congrats Kari! That's such amazing news! :)
