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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Author Interview + Contest: Stacey Kade

Dropping in today is Stacey Kade, the fantastic woman behind The Ghost and the Goth, a book which just so happens to have one of my favorite YA boys. Remember Will, that tormented ball of adorable I've mentioned a few times? Yes... he is thanks to Stacey. If you haven't had the chance to meet Will (And Alona, of course), stay tuned after the interview for your chance to win a copy!

If you found out you were stuck in Alona's position, what would be the first thing you did as a ghost?

Oh, I think, unfortunately, I'd probably do the exact same thing she did. Spy on friends and family to see what they were saying! :)

Will uses a variety of methods to ignore the ghosts constantly around him. If you were in his position, do you think you'd do anything different to keep your ability hidden from them?

That's tough. It all depends on who you are, you know? Now, as an adult, after I had time to adjust to having the ability, I might not hide it at all. Back in high school, I probably would have asked for home-schooling to avoid the situation!

What process did you use to develop and create the confines of the ghost world?

That was a bit tricky. I wanted to build off ideas that already existed in popular culture, but I knew because I was writing a romance, certain things had to be possible. Will couldn't just see and hear the ghosts. He needed to be able to make contact. I also wanted to thread in the idea of an afterlife that wasn't tied to a particular religion but still had a basic good/bad theory behind it. So, it was a bit of trial and error. :)

If you could pair Alona and Will with any character from any book, what would be your picks for them?

Hmm. I think the two of them suit each other--when they're not driving each other crazy--so I'd leave them together. :) But on a hypothetical basis, I do think it would be fun to see Alona go toe-to-toe with Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice because I'm not sure who would be the bigger snob. And for Will, it might be nice for him to hang out with someone else like him--another person who can see ghosts!

What color crayon would you be?

Purple. :)

What is the most private thing you're willing to share here?

Oh, so many things I could say here--most of them intended as humor--that would probably get me in trouble! :) So for once in my life, I'm going to stay quiet.

What kind of cake would you describe yourself as?

German chocolate. Don't ask. I have no idea. Just the first answer that popped into my head!

Thanks so much, Stacey!

For your chance to win my ARC of The Ghost and the Goth, fill out this form. US/Canada only. Ends Sunday, September 12 at 6 pm CST.


  1. What a great interview. I had fun reading it :) And thanks for the contest!

  2. This interview was really cute ;)

  3. Loved the interview Kari, and Stacey! I can't wait to read this book! It looks like a fun read! :)

  4. Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway :D

  5. Great interview! Thank you for the opportunity

  6. This looks like a cute book. Thanks for the opportunity!

  7. Great interview and your fun add in questions...LOL! Had to enter this contest...after all the good things I keep hearing about this title! Thanks for the chance...happy reading!
