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Saturday, August 21, 2010

In My Mailbox

Before I get to this week's addition of IMM.... I want to say.... Lover Boy's (WIP2) first draft is officially DONE! I've even written the first chapter of what will be WIP3. I am still reeling on happiness..... But now, onto my books! I am so happy with several of these titles!

For Review:
So Shelly by Ty Roth
Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers (Signed! Eep!)
Matched by Ally Condie
The Jumbee by Pamela Keyes
Empty by Suzanne Weyn
Being Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram
In the Belly of Jonah by Sandra Brannan
(Very special thanks to Ty Roth, Lisa Desrochers, Media Muscle, Scholastic, Kelly Oram, and Books at Midnight for these titles!)

And because I think it's cute... and he's a huge dork... here's Toby asleep. Passed out snoring, didn't even react when the camera flashed. And no, his chin is NOT resting on anything. Not even against his chest. I found it impressive he slept for like an hour this way.

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.


  1. Toby is adorable! I know you hear this from various people every week, must be reminded.

    Anyway, you got some nice books for this week. I'll be getting some Personal Demons SWAG and MATCHED ARC sooooon. How exciting! Haven't heard of The JUMBEE. Will look into that one. All the others I've heard of before...

  2. I have The Jumbee too. You had a good week.

  3. I have The Jumbee too. You had a good week.

  4. As always, Toby is adorable. You've got some great books. I'm especially jealous of Matched and Personal Demons.

  5. Ooh! I'm so jealous of your Personal Demons ARC! Happy reading and good luck with the writing! :-)

  6. Congrats on finishing the first draft!!! That is always such and exciting time!

  7. Great books!!! I haven't heard of Jumbee, I will have to look into that one! Have a great weekend!

  8. Those are some awesome books, and your dog is just TOO cute! Have fun reading them, and I can't wait to hear your reviews :)

  9. Your doggie is so laid back and easy going. Mine won't stay still long enough for much of anything-she is nuts lol.

    Great books this week; a bunch which I'm super interested in. Hope you enjoy! :D

  10. Go Toby! Way to defy gravity while looking precious! ;D

    Terrific books this week, my friend! As always, can't wait to see what you think of them.

  11. You had a great week! I'll be interested to hear what you think of these books because lots of them are on my "maybe" list. Happy reading!

  12. Aww, Toby's cute! You got good books, I want to read Matched soooo bad. Happy reading

  13. Ooh, great books this week! Really curious about Jumbee- looking forward to your review!

    Happy reading!

  14. Omg! You've got awesome books! Have fun reading!

    Here's what's In My Mailbox

  15. Great books this week! And Toby is absolutely adorable!!

    My mailbox is here. Not as awesome as yours though. XD

    Thanks for the post and happy reading!

    ●▬▬▬๑۩Tina @ Book Couture۩๑▬▬▬▬●

  16. Haha, Toby is so cute! That's quite impressive Kari... his neck must have been sore today after holding his head in that position for so long!

    Looks like you received an awesome assortment of books this week!! I hope you enjoy all of them! Happy reading. :D

  17. Can't wait to hear what you think of Empty. I loved Susanne Weyn's last book, Distant Waves.

  18. Awesome books you got this week. Matched looks really good. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  19. aw, what a cute dog! And congrats on your WIP2. That's awesome.

    I am so jealous of your mailbox, especially Matched! I hope you enjoy them!


  20. Heard alot about Matched and thinking of getting it too.

    Love the site and the purple stands out as a font.

    Posting mine tomorrow on Aisle B so come over then.

    Have a great relaxing Sunday :)
    PK Reeves
    Aisle B

  21. Great mailbox! Love your pics of Toby. :)
    My IMM Birthday Edition is here.

    From the Shadows

  22. I want to read Personal Demons. You did well this week, it wore the dog out. Here's what was In My Mailbox.

  23. Wow 0.0 you really made out this week.

    Mathced, and So Shelly are amoung the long list of books i'm waiting for. Personal Demons and The Jumbee look really good, i keep hearing great things about them so i'll have to check them out. Hope you enjoy reading them all :)

    Check out my IMM here:

  24. Toby is so cute under all those books! ^_^

    Congrats on the first draft!!!

  25. Wow, what a great bunch of books :) I loved Matched!
