Fun! Let's see, 8 year old Pam would have been in third grade. I would have recommended JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH, I think. My second or third grade teacher read that to us and I was utterly spellbound.
16-year-old Pam would have recommended a book I still push today: ANNA TO THE INFINITE POWER by Mildred Ames. Cloning and dystopian YA way before its trendy time. If this book came out today, I think it would be a huge hit. Someone re-release this novel!
24-year-old Pam would have recommended anything by Chris Bohjalian, author of MIDWIVES and my favorite, TRAN-SISTER RADIO. Though I don't think TRAN-SISTER was out back then. Still, you get my point!
Thank you, Pam, for those recommendations... some I've heard of, some I'll be looking in to! So what books would you guys recommend at those ages? Let us know! Also make sure you guys pick up Drought, out now!
I still love Roald Dahl. Such a creative writer!