Alyssa: Dog
Reed: Fight
Juliet: Shorts
Kentucky Derby
Alyssa: Horse
Reed: Race
Juliet: Hats
Toe jam
Alyssa: Ick
Reed: Video game
Juliet: Eww
Alyssa: Such a great movie
Reed: I want a golden ticket
Juliet: Candy
Banana hammock
Alyssa: Please not in public
Reed: Not a chance I’d wear one
Juliet: No thanks
Alyssa: Sonic
Reed: Spiky
Juliet: Not a good pet
Alyssa: Time
Reed: Life is short
Juliet: Figure
Cookie cutter
Alyssa: Holidays
Reed: Childhood
Juliet: Boring
Severus Snape
Alyssa: Awesome character
Reed: Teacher
Juliet: My brothers
Alyssa: Surgery
Reed: Tag
Juliet: Tag
Alyssa: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Reed: Movie
Juliet: Loner
Running of the Bulls
Alyssa: Spain
Reed: Sounds cool
Juliet: Red
X Marks the Spot
Alyssa: Pirates
Reed: Map
Juliet: Adventure
Alyssa: Dams
Reed: No Comment (My mother taught me to keep my mouth shut in moments like these).
Juliet: Furry creature
Hand cuffs
Alyssa: Dylan
Juliet: Hell no
Reed: Who’s getting arrested?
Thank you, Alyssa, for playing along and congrats on the release!
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Quite frankly, I want to read this because the title is hilarious!